
Article | 5 min |
The list of employee financial concerns includes stressful personal situations that distract employees’ attention from the work at hand. Thirty-nine percent of employers say that’s the item of most concern to employees, followed by increasing health care costs at 34% and the expenses and pressures of caring for family members (24%). Lackluster retirement savings come in sixth on the list, with 18% of employers choosing it as either the number one or number two issue for their employees. Reasons employers offer financial wellness programs To address these employee concerns, many employers — 70%...
Article | 5 min |
A recent survey sheds light on the state of financial wellness since the pandemic. According to the TIAA 2022 Financial Wellness Survey, Americans currently define financial wellness as simply feeling comfortable with their financial situation. Over 50% believe wellness is defined as having the means to take care of family, not worrying about money or debt, and feeling protected financially from life’s unexpected events. In fact, 51% of Americans are now more aware of their overall financial wellness since the pandemic. Over the past two years: 37% say their financial wellness increased 42%...
Article | 5 min |
With its broad impact across qualified retirement plans, it is important for plan sponsors to become familiar with the Act’s changes, and to take appropriate action. The Act’s administrative changes will likely require plan amendments, and participant notification practices will also need to change. With that in mind, we gleaned a few key components of the SECURE Act for your review. This is not an exhaustive list, and we encourage you to seek the opinions of your plan’s counsel. Required Minimum Distributions If retired participants are allowed to maintain their accounts in the plan, the date...
Article | 5 min |
A survey of fiduciary liability insurance carriers offers insights on prioritizing and managing fiduciary duties. In the spring of 2021, Aon Investments surveyed 12 top carriers for fiduciary liability insurance to better understand how plan management typically impacts pricing for fiduciary liability insurance. The ultimate goal was to identify the biggest sources of fiduciary risk within the control of fiduciaries for Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA) defined benefit and defined contribution plans. Survey findings were published in Aon’s July 2021 white paper, “ What...
Article | 5 min |
Employers tend to direct retirement education toward those who will soon exit the workforce — Baby Boomers and Gen Xers. That makes sense considering the nearness of retirement for those groups. But it’s the Millennials who now make up the largest constituency in the American workforce, at one out of every three workers. And it seems they need a little help when it comes to saving for their eventual retirement. Life is in Full Swing Almost half of Millennials are worried about retiring on time, and two-thirds are concerned they will outlive their retirement savings. 1 Addressing the unique...